Promote healthier dietary behaviors for future generations
As a parent of a three-year-old child, my spouse and I have been diligent in our efforts to foster health...
Pigeon Pests: Battling Troubles in Indian Cities
“Nuisance species” pose a significant threat to natural ecosystems and have broader adverse e...
Can being spiritual keep you healthier?
Bharat (India) has been the land of saints and spirituality for thousands of years. Innumerable texts (in...
Power of an Administrator or Bureaucrat
To those who are uninitiated, Public Health Administration in India includes (1) Political Leadership com...
Adolescent Health: A steppingstone to achieve sustainable wellbeing
‘Adolescence’ to put it simply, is the transition phase between childhood and adulthood. Driven by th...
“Resilience in Healthcare: A Patient’s Journey Through Challenges and Choices”
In the wake of the second wave of COVID-19, I found myself working diligently as a Junior Resident at the...
Hidden Hunger: Unveiling the Silent Epidemic of Micronutrient Deficiency in India
Introduction: In a land of diverse cuisines and flavors, where every meal is a celebration of tast...
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Epidemiology
Empowering Medical Professionals in the Age of AI Introduction: In today’s rapidly evolving healthc...